Live : Tremplin Reperkusound Finale
at ToÏ toÏ Le Zinc
Director | Thibault Lebouteiller
Projection | Joanna Kai, Jérôme Houyvet, Thibault Lebouteiller
Production | Thib’s Prod, Maher Mekhael
Music | Maher Mekhael
Mixing & Mastering | Maher Mekhael
The Story
Maher Mekhael was selected as one of the four finalists in the "Tremplin de Reperkusound". Here, you can watch his live performance at the finals. The projection behind Maher Mekhael was filmed between Lebanon, Lyon, and Normandie by Joanna Kai, Jérôme Houyvet, and Thibault Lebouteiller. This projection represents the story behind Maher's music, adding depth to the performance.