Maher Mekhael

Live : Tremplin Reperkusound Finale

at ToÏ toÏ Le Zinc


Director | Thibault Lebouteiller
Projection | Joanna Kai, Jérôme Houyvet, Thibault Lebouteiller
Production | Thib’s Prod, Maher Mekhael
Music | Maher Mekhael
Mixing & Mastering | Maher Mekhael

The Story

Maher Mekhael was selected as one of the four finalists in the "Tremplin de Reperkusound". Here, you can watch his live performance at the finals. The projection behind Maher Mekhael was filmed between Lebanon, Lyon, and Normandie by Joanna Kai, Jérôme Houyvet, and Thibault Lebouteiller. This projection represents the story behind Maher's music, adding depth to the performance.


Départ Live

at la cité de la mer


Director | Thibault Lebouteiller
Camera | Thibault Lebouteiller
Drone | Jérôme Houyvet
Color grading | Charbel Abi Semaan
Music | Maher Mekhael
Mixing & Mastering Engineer
| Maher Mekhael

The Story

After his stay in Cherbourg, Maher Mekhael composed an album which he entitled "Cherbourg", in honor of the city that inspired him. One of the tracks from the album is called "Départ", inspired by the Cherbourg maritime station (La Cité De La Mer) and its history.

Thib's Prod, an audiovisual production company based in Vire Normandie and headed by Thibault Lebouteiller, came up with the idea of filming a live version of this track on the roof of the Cité de la Mer, calling on its collaborator Jérôme Houyvet.

You'll discover Maher Mekhael's artistic journey and the story he tells in music in his EP "Cherbourg", the journey of videographer Thibault Lebouteiller, and finally their collaborative project: the production of a live video of the track "Départ" on the roof of Cherbourg's most emblematic building.

Live at Chateau De Tavers


Maher Mekhael performing live at Friendstival, held at the Château de Tavers on April 27th, 2024.


Live session | EP “Cherbourg”

Director : Joanna kai
Editor : Joanna kai
Color Grading : Charbel abi Semaan
Camera one : Joanna Kai
Camera two : Barbara La Rose Assistant
On set : Li Blache-Chauvet
Music : Maher Mekhael
Mixing & Mastering : Maher Mekhael
Location : Théâtre de l'Uchronie | Lyon | Beirut | Jbeil | Alley |

The Story

After his transformative stay in Cherbourg, Maher Mekhael composed an EP which he entitled "Cherbourg," in honor of the city that deeply inspired him. The EP captures the essence of his transition from the chaos of Beirut to the serene landscapes of Cherbourg, reflecting on the emotions of departure, exploration, and the search for a new home.

On the 14th of December, 2022, Maher Mekhael performed his debut solo EP "Cherbourg" live at the "Théâtre de l’Uchronie." This performance was a culmination of his artistic journey, bringing to life the stories and emotions that inspired his music.

Live Set | Gambetta Club Paris